Our method is a modularised and complements the greatness in your organisation coupled with the expertise in ours - it’s what sets us apart. We understand that every organisation is unique and could be at differing phases of their business strategy and implementation. We adapt to your needs and desired outcomes then formulate a bespoke pathway. Our method is centered on you and broken down into four distinct phases.
Where to play
A great strategy starts with a deep understanding of the world around us. This is an exciting stage in the entire journey as we explore the world of possibilities via divergent and unconstrained thinking. The importance of an environmental scan cannot be underestimated as organisations need valuable insight to determine impact on future decision making.
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Through this analysis we will delve into trends, market sizing & growth rates, opportunities and threats in the market, industry, and broader societal and economic context. We draw on many sources whether it be primary or secondary mechanisms to formulate this view that ignites divergent thinking and robust conversations about the possibilities for your organisation in the future. This type of analysis does not finish in the “where to play’ phase of our method. We continue to monitor throughout the entire phasing to maintain your strategy’s integrity and to better understand whether there is a need to refine outputs and anticipate and adapt to changes in the marketplace. This ensures you maintain a competitive advantage and reduces the risk of unexpected disruptions. A critical output from this phase, is your organisation’s strategic vision - a clear representation of where you are now and where you aim to be through the development of your strategy and its implementation.
How to play
As we transition to convergent thinking, we collaborate with you to be laser focused when developing your business strategy. Together, we will define overall direction and objectives and align efforts of resources to achieve them. It’s important that we answer fundamental questions such as: Is your proposition desirable in the hearts and minds of clients &/or communities? Can you create a sustainable competitive advantage? How will your strategy meet commercial objectives?
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Our executive level panel members will be at your side to develop a robust business strategy and execution plan. Together we will build frameworks for decision making and resource allocation ensuring that you focus on the most important initiatives and opportunities to unlock potential in your organisation. Through insights, we gain a deep understanding of your clients and the value they bring to you identifying unique opportunities and differentiators to develop a competitive advantage that sets you apart from rivals, cementing your leadership position in market. We will help anticipate and respond to changes surrounding you, making decisions based on data and analysis. Our expertise is centered on the careful triangulation of data & insight, client needs and commercial outcomes. To align teams, we will define success and build a high performing culture. Together, we will develop clear milestones and success metrics at each phase so your organisation can stay focused, make decisions and achieve sustainable growth and success over time. A key output from this phase is the development of a business case to enable your strategy. The business case will underpin communications helping instill confidence in your organisation whether that be internal or external audiences.
How to win
With ‘true north’ developed via the How to Play phase, the way you go to market takes careful consideration and planning. Ensuring you have the right resources, systems and process to create scale is imperative and whether you segment by customer, product or geography, having a robust ‘how to win’ strategy is critically important and is the implementation of your business strategy.
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Throughout this stage, we collaborate with you to review segment attractiveness, feasibility and differentiation to help win in your chosen markets, not just today but also into the future. Being clear on what you will do is equally important as what you won’t do and this will be clearly drawn out through this engagement phase. Together, we will determine what is required organisationally and map out phases over time. Having your cross-functional working group by your side is going to be advantageous - we’ll bring them on the journey early.
We will be very clear about the way we will go to market and win in the market with a deeper analysis that captures unique opportunities and differentiators to develop a competitive advantage at the segment level. Further, we will optimise customer acquisition cost by identifying the most cost-effective ways to reach and acquire customers maximising return on investment via a Go-to-market plan. As with all phases of our method, we will develop a communication plan that aligns your organisation and includes clear milestones and a framework to measure and track success over time.
How to focus
To help ensure your organisation achieves its desired outcomes, the importance of having a clearly documented business cadence cannot be underestimated when implementing your strategy. This crucial phase focuses on delivery and maintaining your organisation’s strategy integrity but also provides an excellent canvas for learnings and impacts on future strategy development.
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Together, we will communicate to all members of your organisation your strategy and its implementation plan. We will be clear about what success looks like and by developing your organisation’s Strategy Dashboard, we will monitor progress, identify wins or areas where that require support or attention. We will foster discussions or forums to celebrate successes and remove organisational barriers in a collaborative and respectful manner. Throughout this phase, team members will have a clear understanding about their accountability and decision making to achieve desired organisational outcomes. The right cadence and engagement plan in place helps to improve communication and collaboration across teams and departments, which in turn helps increase the efficiency and effectiveness cllectively. Most importantly, we will ensure that your organisation is aligned and focused to achieve its goals and objectives and unearth beneficial learnings along the way.
Our team made up of varied expertise, experiences and successes have collaboratively developed a suite of critical resources that can be adapted to your organisation’s situation and needs at all phases of our method. Want to learn more about our ‘secret sauce”?