Go-to-Market Analysis & Prioritisation

Go-to-Market Analysis & Prioritisation

This activity involves researching and identifying the most effective ways to introduce and sell a new product or service or proposition to customers. The process involves evaluating factors such as target market segmentation attractiveness, feasibility, competitive analysis, pricing strategy, distribution channels and promotion strategy. The goal of your GTM analysis is to develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the most efficient way to go to market and achieve optimal revenue results for your organisation. The prioritisation aspect of your GTM analysis refers to the process of identifying which markets, channels, and tactics to focus on first, based on factors such as customer needs and behaviors, market size, competition, and resources available. Prioritisation helps your organisation allocate resources and efforts efficiently, enabling achievement of business objectives more effectively. The analysis and prioritisation steps are crucial because they help you maximise chances of success when launching into a new market or expanding into an established market. By conducting a thorough analysis of the market and developing a prioritisation plan, your organisation can identify potential barriers to entry, determine the optimal channels to reach target customers and align efforts across the organisation and with other stakeholders.

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